Friday, September 17, 2010

Organic Trade Show - Organic Meadow - Good PR

This past weekend I worked at the Organic Trade show that was held at the Convention Centre. It was awesome. I was demoing product for Organic Meadow, a Canadian company based out of Ontario that works with organic farms throughout Manitoba and Ontario to produce certified organic food products such as milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese.
Over the past couple years, I've been working for the distributor of these products, selling and promoting these products, and have grown to appreciate the sales aspect of the grocery industry.

In public relations class at Red River College we talk about bad PR and good PR and one of my peers, Jasmine gave a great presentation on a company who produces eggs for consumers in the United States. The reason why this company was struggling with bad PR was that fact that it had to recall a massive amount of it's product. The company seemed to deal with this problem in a negative way, not letting the media into it's farms, not giving details to their farming techniques and so on. While in PR class, we are taught to be honest and reveal what is important to the consumer, what makes them trust us.

After Jasmine's presentation, I thought of Organic Meadow not because of bad PR but because of how well Organic Meadows showcased the good qualities of it's company. Why I say this is because at the trade show Organic Meadow had a family from one of their local organically certified farms come and spend time there for consumers and potential investors to talk to and ask about their work. Organic Meadow brought the people that help produce their product to the show, to the consumer, so that the consumer could ask whatever they wanted and see exactly who is taking care of the cows that produce the milk that they drink, etc. I thought it was a great PR tool because it really connected the brand with the consumer, plus the family had the two cutest kids ever, and they wore little Organic Meadow shirts, so cute.

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