Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What the... ?

This was forwarded to me via email. Two teachers gettin too rowdy at a pep rally in a school, in Winnipeg. What were these teachers thinking? Absolutely ridiculous. Teachers are role models and should try their best not to get caught up in stuff like this. I think it would not have been that bad if it didn't go on for like a solid minute and yeah, it got kind of... weird.

Check It.

Lovin the Olympic Apparel

So lately I have kinda been an Olympic junky, ignoring my blog, family, the gym... but it is for good reasons. I'm supporting my country! :D
I love how Canada has embraced the Olympics and really made it unique to Canada. While watching Brian Williams the other day I noticed the interior design of the set, so laid back, a nice fake fire place in the background, an area rug, some super simple couches meanwhile the people he's interviewing are wearing sweatpants and hoodies. I think it's great.
After watching the hockey game last night, Canada against Germany, Canadian ski-cross queen Ashleigh McIvor was interviewed and to my surprise she was sporting sweat pants.
Canada is putting a nice spin on the attire of the Olympics and I'm lovin it. Today, I am going to buy some apparel for myself. Maybe my next blog pic will be me wearing sweatpants and a touque. Go Canada Go!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Facebook vs. Twitter

Because I am a communications student I don't have much choice when it comes to immersing myself in all that is media. With the many different vehicles of social media, I try my best to stay involved, even when I'm a terrible tweeter and a slacker of a blogger, yeah I'll admit it...
To me, there are major differences in the various forms of social media. Facebook for example is a fun and very personal way of networking. You meet new people, you add them, you look at their profile, see pictures and create a schema of this person. Bottom line: you get to know them depending on how they have presented themselves in their profile.
While with Twitter you try to find a person, add them and then what? You read their profile... yeah... and then you see little blurbs of what they like or what they're doing or what they're pondering about. But you if you start following celebrities, who even knows if that is the actual celebrity tweeting all that stuff. There's a good chance it's some PR person tweeting for them.
Now in the world of public relations, I can see how Twitter is a valuable form of media. It connects you with others for one. The most important factor, I think, is that in the case of publicity, and something happening to a celebrity or organization, the celebrity or organization involved can respond whichever way they like. Say if I had a lot of followers because I was a celebrity and the papers accused me of doing something terrible. Depending on how I responded on Twitter, Facebook and on my blog, I could either get good or bad responses which equal good or bad publicity.
So in order to stay in the game, stay involved and on top of things, you really have to take part in all vehicles of social media, not just one.
Now in the case of "good" people to have as a friend or to follow, I really don't think there is such thing. If you refer to good as a person that updates their status on a regular bases then, the majority of people you're following and facebooking are "good" people.
In a public relations perspective, "good" people to have as friends and followers would be accomplished business people, companies, organizations, etc that play a role in your career. Take the media for example, I am a communications student so I want to follow CBC to be kept updated on events, etc. that is one thing CBC and I now have in common, you follow them on Twitter and you're a fan of them on Facebook. Bingo. You're in the game, you're on their tail and they like it.
Facebook adn Twitter is a form of communication that works is so many different ways. Both are beneficial to the profession of PR because both connect business to audience, person to person, company to company, provider to consumer. These forms of social media, take us out of our little bubbles and connect us to the world around us, get involved!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Bamboo Is The Best

Last year I moved in with a room mate and we went crazy with plants. We had some palm tree kind of plant, a couple ivy plants, a violet, and another plant that had some pink in it. Yeah, that one didn't survive. ALL our plants struggled except the bamboo. I still have it to this day and it is flourishing!

The first year I moved to the city, I moved in with my bachelor cousin. He asked me to get some decor for the place: candles, plants and such. So I did. I bought candles and a cactus and a bamboo. That was two years ago.. When I went over to my cousin's house for steaks a month ago, I saw my bamboo and it was alive! Perfect!

So everyone, bamboo are the way to go if you want to add a little decor and you want people to think you know how to take care of plants, all ya gotta do is water it from time to time and my cat even uses the bamboo vase as a water dish! Two birds with one stone, nice