Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lovin the Olympic Apparel

So lately I have kinda been an Olympic junky, ignoring my blog, family, the gym... but it is for good reasons. I'm supporting my country! :D
I love how Canada has embraced the Olympics and really made it unique to Canada. While watching Brian Williams the other day I noticed the interior design of the set, so laid back, a nice fake fire place in the background, an area rug, some super simple couches meanwhile the people he's interviewing are wearing sweatpants and hoodies. I think it's great.
After watching the hockey game last night, Canada against Germany, Canadian ski-cross queen Ashleigh McIvor was interviewed and to my surprise she was sporting sweat pants.
Canada is putting a nice spin on the attire of the Olympics and I'm lovin it. Today, I am going to buy some apparel for myself. Maybe my next blog pic will be me wearing sweatpants and a touque. Go Canada Go!

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