Friday, December 3, 2010

The Day of Bag

This week in PR class we discussed the Day of Bag, a must if you are in public relations, event planning or anything really.

The Day of Bag consists of a long, long list of random items from static guard to clear nail polish. All these things are a crucial in case you have last minute "uh-ohs" and ends to tie up, literally. So we compiled a list of about 30 items, its reasonable, really. Our teacher, Melanie, a PR extraordinaire has a suite case full of stuff with all her Day of stuff in it. Proof that it is crucial to have.

Today I am packing for the lake and need a weekend bag. What things do I need to help me survive at a cabin that is snowed in and hasn't been visited in months?

glow sticks,(because they're just fun)
lots of socks,
slippers even,
and kaulbassa, cheese and crackers.

Hey it'll do. :)

Happy Friday everybody.

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