Sunday, November 15, 2009

Remember this?

As I was walking back from a downtown club yesterday evening, and which was not an overly good club at that, Mystique... I was reminded of how lucky we all are that it hasn't snowed yet. Yes the evenings are a bit crisp and chilly but the grass is still somewhat green and the temperatures still being delightfully nice. Yeah! Winnipeg is actually having some enjoyable temperatures? I can't believe it... Do you all remember when it was the first snowfall of the year and it was a blizzard? I remember everyone was still out and about, going to bars that night, driving to parties out of town and me, I sat at home. I called er quits. I got my blanket and curled up on the couch preparing myself for the long and bone chilling winter. But then the next couple days, the snow was gone and my flats were busted out and my winter boots put away for below 0 temperatures. Be Happy Winnipeg because this is the only time of year that the temperatures have actually be on our side for once!


  1. I can't believe the Santa Claus parade was this past weekend! It seems so early because there's no snow on the ground.
